Waterloo Park West Water Play

Waterloo, ON.


Landscape Ontario Award of Excellence

Grands Prix du Design | Bronze Winner

Parks and Recreation Magazine | “Destination: Waterloo Park West – The Park’s Splash Pad is Journey and an Adventure.”

SDG worked in collaboration with the City to design a water play area that seamlessly integrated itself within the existing skate park, baseball diamonds, children’s natural play areas, harvest table gathering spaces and other amenities located in the park. The water play design provides play experiences for all ages incorporating in ground spray features and interactive water components. Breaking up the water play area are two artificial turf berms adding additional play value to the splash pad experience. Shade structures, accessible site furnishings and a fully accessible washroom building make this splash pad a destination for families to spend an afternoon outdoors.  In 2021 the project was selected as a Grands Prix Du Design – Urban Design/ Public Space Landscape Architecture: Bronze Winner.  In 2020 the project received a Landscape Ontario Awards of Excellence. In July 2021 the project was featured in Parks and Recreation Magazine titled Destination: Waterloo Park West – The Park’s Splash Pad is Journey and an Adventure.