Earlier this month, Niagara-on-the-Lake Town Council unanimously approved our conceptual design for the Heritage District gateway signage. The proposed feature will be located at the intersection of Queen Street and Mississagua Street as you enter the Town. Building upon the Town’s rich history, architecture, and wonderful aesthetics, the proposed feature will reflect the values of the Town. Increasing the visibility of this Gateway to the Historic Old Town, the identity of the feature can be reinforced as a landmark that meets the needs and wants of community members, supports downtown growth, and inspires the public. This new iconic feature will have the ability to evoke interest throughout four seasons using different plant and architectural materials in harmony with its context. SDG’s vision for the gateway was based on the following four design principles:
- Create a Striking First Impression that results in a lasting positive impression beneficial to the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake;
- Create a Symbolic Representation of the visual beauty of Niagara-on-the-Lake that complements and enhances the Town’s image;
- Establish a Gateway to the Heritage District; and
- Landscaping Excellence that reflects innovation, horticultural integrity, and creativity.
The gateway design concept is centered around a memorable horizontal element that varies in height and constructed from natural dry stone walls to characterize the rich cultural history and architecture of Fort Mississauga. The stone composition is intended to be dry stacked and indigenous to the area. Plantings will signify horticultural excellence echoing the current town plantings. Implementation is anticipated for early 2022.