Mico Valeriote Park

Guelph, ON.


Mico Valeriote Park is 0.73 hectares in size and was dedicated to the City in 1973. The park is located in the Ward 1 Neighbourhood and is well used by visitors of all ages. Through extensive public consultation, SDG and the City developed a program for the the park that includes a shaded, accessible play area, a water pump feature, walking pathways with seating, a shelter, naturalized areas, and preservation of existing trees. A large, open area creates a space for active recreation or relaxation. Nestled behind a small housing community, Mico Valeriote Park creates a sense of place and security. SDG was retained by the City to provide full landscape architectural services from schematic design through to contract administration for a redesign of Mico Valeriote Park. Consultation was initiated in 2017, and construction was completed in 2019.