Mayor Goldring announces his Millennial Advisory Committee

Media release from the Office of the Mayor Burlington, Ont., April 7, 2016 – The members of Mayor Rick Goldring’s Millennial Advisory Committee have been selected. The committee will develop initiatives focused on how to keep and attract residents aged 18 to 35 in Burlington. It will also concentrate on creating opportunities to engage millennials with …

Belgard University Welcomes Haig Seferian

STAYING AHEAD OF THE LEARNING CURVE, is essential to growing your business, so Belgard University is offering you an opportunity with Haig Seferian to expand your hardscape knowledge. HAIG SEFERIAN OALA, CSLA, FASLA, LO, CLD, has been extremely active in the landscape industry’s many associations and is the founding member of the Certified Landscape Designer …

Introduction to the Outdoor Industry with Haig Seferian

Haig was the Keynote speaker at this year’s Outdoor Living Conference in associate with SOFA Sometimes in life we are lucky enough to come across exceptional individualswho truly inspire us. This inspiration could take on many forms (business, relationships. Moral teachings, etc.), but what is true about all these figures is one very basic, but …

A Home for Designers

January 16, 2016, by Audriana VanderWerf, Landscape Trades An interview with Haig Seferian, principal of Seferian Design Group in Burlington, Ontario and a leading champion from establishing and promoting meaningful credentials for landscape designers. It was the mid 1980s, and young Haig Seferian sat alone on a park bench in California. While studying landscape architecture …

Groundbreaking Ceremony for Forest of Hope Dedicated to Armenian Genocide Centennial in Markham

On December 19th, 2015, the Armenian Community in Markham, led by Frank Scarpitti, broke ground on a project that was over two years in the making. The Armenian Genocide Memorial Forest will be located in Ashton Meadows Park on the northeast corner of Woodbine Avenue and Calvert Road, just north of 16th Avenue in the …

Landscape Ontario Awards of Excellence

Seferian Design Group received a Landscape Ontario Awards of Excellence for their work on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Outdoor Kindergarten Childcare Renovations. The annual competition features more than 40 categories of entries judged by a panel of respected horticulture industry experts. Only those entries deemed truly excellent are honoured with awards. The Dufferin-Peel …

Haig Seferian and Brad Smith closing keynote at the Landscape Ontario Landscape Designer’s Conference

In January 2015, Haig Seferian and Brad Smith will be the closing keynote at the Landscape Ontario Landscape Designer’s Conference. Today, obesity is poised to overtake tobacco as the leading preventable cause of death in America. More than a third of all Americans are obese and an additional third, overweight. Active Design is an approach to …