Our concept design for the Casablanca Waterfront Park in Grimsby has gone public and is awaiting community consultation and feedback. The concept design feedback survey will close on November 8.
The Casablanca Waterfront Park is the town’s premiere waterfront space and spans the waterfront area from Hunter Road to the Water Treatment Plant. The proposed design for the park was developed around the vision to transform and promote the park as a unique waterfront destination in Grimsby and the surrounding region by strengthening placemaking qualities, emphasizing connectivity, and improving accessibility along the waterfront. The park will be completed in several phases to maintain community access to the waterfront pathway as much as possible throughout the process. Phase 1 will serve as a gateway into the west end of the park which will include the realignment of the trail in the center area to improve pedestrian safety, new tree plantings strategically spaced to ensure no sightlines to the waterfront are blocked from adjacent residential properties, an enhanced park entry plaza, improved beach environment along the main trail and a natural playground feature. Phase 2 located in the center of Phase 1 and 3 will include woodlot clean-up and ecological restoration to make way for picnicking spaces, recreational access to the water, an improved slope grading and amenities to ensure water access for all users of all abilities. Phase 3 will serve as a gateway into the park’s east end, containing a new washroom pavilion, play spaces, seating, improved slope grading and access to water and beach areas.
To find out more information on the concept design for Casablanca Waterfront Park and how you can get involved visit:https://www.letstalkgrimsby.ca/casablanca-waterfront-project