So how did we decide that a new Athletics and Student Life Building was the next step to take in the evolution of Appleby’s campus?
Over the course of 2013-2014, Appleby undertook a significant athletic review with our community. Through this rigorous exercise, we have committed to the following:
- Renewed commitment to character and leadership
- Introducing the co-curricular passport allowing three terms of sports for eligible senior students
- Increased Varsity team support: including additional external coaching support, meaningful travel tournaments, facilities and equipment
- Enhanced learning support for student athletes
- Using athletics as a centerpiece for the school by bringing our community together.

In order to achieve these goals for our students we completed an audit of our existing facilities and how we are currently supporting the Appleby programing. The findings presented us with the existing realties and the current program bottlenecks:
- Not enough gym space – 1956 single gym substantially undersized for athletic activities and assemblies
- Larger dedicated performing arts space needed for school shows over 150 people
- Current fitness facilities are too small and do not support our fitness and health programs
- All classrooms are fully utilized at peak times of day. Scheduling of classes is now limited by space, particularly in science.
- Aging facilities will need continued rejuvenation and enhancements (arena, pool, etc.)
The Impact of the Project:
This facility (as planned) adds about 40% to the floor area of the school (excluding residences). We are creating many additional spaces: three gyms rather than one, smaller spaces for health and wellness (yoga, stretch classes, meditation etc.), and a 950 seat auditorium Our students will enjoy school life more as we’re adding a plethora of social spaces for community activities, informal study or simply “hanging-out”.