Elgin Promenade

Burlington, ON.


In the heart of downtown Burlington, lies the Elgin Promenade trail network.  The Elgin Promenade serves as a pedestrian and cycling corridor that extends from Brant Street to Martha Street connecting the downtown core to the Centennial Multi-Use Pathway.  Navigating its way through the core, SDG was retained by the City to complete the final, and fourth phase, of this urban trail connection (Pearl Street to Martha Street).  The project aligned with the City’s Vision to Focus Plan, including:

  • Improving integrated city mobility
  • Supporting sustainable infrastructure and a resilient environment
  • Building more citizen engagement, community health, and culture

The space reimagines and underutilized section of asphalt parking lot and transforms the space into a sustainable and dynamic public amenity.  The space is unique and developed with wonderful detailing, of materials and plantings intended to be long lasting and durable in a highly urban setting. The design highlights the strong pedestrian connection through the downtown core, connecting Pearl Street and Martha Street. Integrated into the design are custom seat walls, plentiful seating opportunities, fountains, misters (to cool off on a hot summer day), cycling amenities, lighting, plantings, and decorative concrete paving patterns.  The site is anchored by two amenities that promote active use, colour, and fun.  To the east is a colourful shade structure that produces dappled shade effects on the ground as users pass and rest in the space.  The west part of the site is anchored with an activation area with a custom see-saw for all ages and abilities.  Stop by any given time and you will see a family of four, or an elderly grandparent engaging with their grandchild. The Elgin Promenade offers unique and fascinating design qualities in an urban environment that are both engaging and memorable.